“Get up Wallonia!”

Watch RTBF Auvio interview from Mathias Dewatripont, where he discusses the region’s economic recovery plan and the long-term strategy of relieving the current COVID-19 restrictions.


2021-04-23T20:08:18+02:00April 23rd, 2021|I3h news|


How does the hiring work from the employer side?

Webinar for early career scientist in the biomedical field interested in making a transition from academia to the industry.

  • How does […]
2021-04-20T17:21:10+02:00April 20th, 2021|I3h news|

Brain Innovation Days:

Fast-tracking brain innovation in times of COVID-19

The last 14 months have been a most testing time for the world in general and for global health in particular. COVID-19 […]

2021-04-19T09:49:24+02:00April 19th, 2021|I3h news|
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