Institute for Interdisciplinary
Innovation in healthcare
I3h Institute 10th Anniversary: 10 Years of Interdisciplinary Education in Healthcare Innovation
Registrations are open!

A word from Michel Goldman
Michel Goldman, President of the I3h Institute, introduces the EU4Health Impact and Integration Initiative.
Michel Goldman awarded the 2024 Blaise Pascal Medal laureate in Medicine and Life Sciences.
His commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration exemplifies the spirit of the Blaise Pascal Medal, making him a truly deserving recipient of this prestigious honor.
Réflexions sur l’avenir de la médecine inspirées par la pandémie de COVID-19
Comment la pandémie de Covid-19 a-t-elle permis et propulsé des avancés majeures en médecine ? Quelques pistes sur l’évolution de la recherche et des technologies

Mathias Dewatripont’s presentation at Collège de France
Mathias Dewatripont presented at an event of the Collège de France in Paris on November 13 on the Future of European Competitiveness, organised by Philippe Aghion, with the presence of Mario Draghi and President Emmanuel Macron.
Big data, AI, and personalized medicine: scientists reveal playbook aiming to revolutionize healthcare
The Covid-19 pandemic changed medicine forever – now scientists reveal a bold new vision for the healthcare of the future.
Click here and discover the new EU4HEALTH Integration and Impact Initiative