Module I 

Day 1

Presentation of M.Goldman

Presentation of Ch.Melot

Presentation of J.L.Vincent

Presentation of G.Smits

Presentation of A.Delchambre and J.Devière

Day 2

Presentation of M.Neyt

Presentation of F.Hulstaert

Presentation of A. De Wever

Presentation of B.Flamion

Presentation of E.Croufer

Day 3

Presentation of M.Goldman and B.Flamion

Presentation of P.Smeesters

Presentation of D.De Cannière

Presentation of J.Goldstein

Presentation of S.Goldman

Day 4 

Presentation of G.Musch

Presentation of N.Maenhout

Presentation of C.Beneu

Presentation of M.Toungouz

Presentation of E.Bartholomé