Investigators: Dr. Gaël Libert (PhD researcher) and research collaborators (Prof. Dr. G. Goderis1, Prof. Dr. H. Stevens2, Prof. R. Bensliman 1,3, Prof. Dr. N. Kacenelenbogen 1, Dr. V. Lesage4)


Medication management in the elderly has become a major topic in geriatric research. This population has its own medical and social characteristics: polymedication, inappropriate prescribing, polypathology, multiple prescribers, segregation, combined frailty, etc. Such representations have made interdisciplinarity overriding for healthcare management, however, its implementation remains a complex endeavor. 

The perspectives of the doctoral project are: “Development of an interdisciplinary model of prescription management in the elderly”. In this research process, the objective will be to evaluate how interdisciplinary medication management could be implemented in our healthcare system (although today, multidisciplinarity remains the standard approach) One of the end points will be to define which roles should be assumed by each health professional or facility. In addition, patient and financial considerations will also be assessed to ensure that the model will remain compatible with our modern healthcare system and that the approach will benefit the patient.

1Université Libre de Bruxelles – General Medicine Department

2Université Libre de Bruxelles – Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation in Healthcare (I3H)

3Université Libre de Bruxelles – Public Health Départment

4Université Libre de Bruxelles – Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Erasme (Bruxelles)